Format: pdf,rtf,epub,lit,lrf,mobi,fb2,pdb
Language: English
ISBN10: 0060577339
ISBN13: 9780060577339
Ever since Harry Potter, the world of children's literature has been swarmed by wanna-bes, filling bookstore shelves with stories ranging from mediocre to absymal. This book breaks that mold. Magyk is filled with characters so real they practically leap off the pages. The plot is engaging, and the setting is, indeed, magykal. Kids who have been searching for another great fantasy world will love this book. I can't wait for the next one to come out. The only complaint I had about the book was that the font is
different every time something magykal happens. That stylistic choice didn't add anything to the story for me. In fact, I found it a bit distracting. Not enough to knock it down to four stars though. It was still great.
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